Extending our Rolling Storage!
July 28, 2023
We were very excited to be able to extend our range of rolling shelves for our general artifact collection recently! With the funds we received through our volunteers’ assistance at Jackpot Time Gaming Entertainment, we were safely able to re-house bays three through nine. That’s up to 270 boxes of artifacts! The rolling system of shelving is a huge space-saver, and we couldn’t be happier.
A special thank you to our supporter Jackpot Time Gaming Entertainment. Throughout the year, we are very grateful to receive funds from our participation in bingos at Jackpot Time in St. Thomas. Through this program, the museum receives funds monthly that we can use towards the preservation and maintenance of our collection. We are also able to fund a portion of Sarah Bentley’s salary to work on the collection. We are very grateful to be one of the charities that receive funds through the charitable gaming program, and very thankful for the volunteers that assist us with bingos each month. Learn more about Jackpot Time here.