50/50 Raffle

February 18, 2025

The Aylmer-Malahide Museum is excited to announce our online 50/50 raffle fundraiser! Grab your tickets now!

Tickets are:

  • 3 for $10
  • 10 for $20
  • 50 for $50
  • 200 for $100

Sales begin on January 2ⁿᵈ, 2025
Sales end on March 30ᵗʰ, 2025
Drawing on March 31ˢᵗ, 2025

We’re partnering with the RaffleBox platform to facilitate this fundraiser. Tickets are available here!

Link to our RaffleBox raffle

Fifty percent of the money gathered through ticket sales will be awarded to the winner of the draw, and fifty percent will go to our Relocation Fund. Funds raised through this raffle will help us to renovate our new, historic building into an exciting museum space and cultural center for our community.  The winner will be contacted to claim their prize.

Thank you for your support!

Licence #RAF1375246

Please play responsibly. For mental health, addiction, and problem gambling services, get in touch with ConnexOntario at 1-866-531-2600 or at connexontario.ca.

Relocation Project Update

November 7, 2024

Building Condition Assessment and Designated Substances Survey

On recommendation from the Town of Aylmer, the museum has hired Rimkus Consulting to perform phase one of the Relocation Project. Rimkus sent five employees to assess 75 Talbot St. E. on June 26, 2024, alongside two sub-contractors to perform the designated substances survey. The Building Committee received reports resulting from this assessment on September 10th, consisting of a Pre-Renovation Designated Substances and Hazardous Materials Assessment and a draft Building Condition Assessment Report. Our Building Committee was able to review these items on September 25th, and the board was able to review them on October 15th.

Pre-Renovation Designated Substances and Hazardous Materials Assessment

A “designated substance” is defined in the OHSA as “a biological, chemical or physical agent or combination thereof prescribed as a designated substance to which the exposure of a worker is prohibited, regulated, restricted, limited or controlled”. The Ontario Health and Safety Act contains a list of these designated substances.

The sub-contractors found evidence of asbestos and lead within the building, and also noted the presence of gypsum board (which contains silica). The report we received recommended that these substances be removed only should their disturbance be required to complete our planned renovations. Contractors should be able to advise whether the removal of these substances is a necessity, and how much that removal would cost.

Draft Building Condition Assessment Report

We’ve only received a draft of this report, and have yet to approve a final draft.

The museum requested that Rimkus perform no destructive testing for this assessment. We currently use the building for events and pop-up exhibits, and wished to avoid testing which would limit those activities. However, Rimkus reported that it had trouble assessing some structural components of the building. The museum plans to ask our engineering firm if we may benefit from further destructive testing.

Overall, there were no surprises within the assessment. The building has no fire suppression system, and museum staff would ideally like to look into an artifact-safe fire suppression system. All systems, including the structure, roof, exterior, mechanical systems, electrical systems, and general components, received a rating of “replacement required for building components which have a direct and significant impact on the building or operation of the building as a whole”. The report goes on to say that this rating is “generally prepared to form the basis for budget authorization, appropriation, and/or funding”.

List of assessment ratings:

  • Structural systems: Fair/Poor, to be addressed within 2-5 years, priority “D” for building functionality
  • Roofing systems: Fair/Poor, to be addressed within 2-5 years, priority “D” for building functionality
  • Exterior wall systems: Fair/Poor, to be addressed within 2-5 years, priority “D” for building functionality
  • Exterior window and door systems: Fair, to be addressed within 5-10 years, priority “D” for building functionality
  • Building interior systems: Condition varies (moderate efflorescence, minor masonry cracking, no spalling, minor mortar joint problems – no sealing on exposed brick, older walls in poor condition), priority “D” for building functionality
  • Mechanical systems: Fair, to be addressed within 5-10 years, priority “D” for building functionality
  • Plumbing and drainage systems: Fair, to be addressed within 5-10 years, varied priority (section of pipe in basement needs immediate replacement)
  • Fire suppression systems: only portable fire extinguishers present, priority “A” for life safety
  • Lighting systems: Good/Fair, no replacement required, priority “D” for building functionality
  • Fire alarm systems: Fair, to be addressed within 5-10 years, priority “D” for building functionality
  • Site components (pavement): Poor, to be addressed within 0-2 years, priority “D” for building functionality

Based on these results, Rimkus has informed the museum that it may expect to spend between $530,000 and $1,900,000.

Next Steps

The museum wishes to narrow down exactly what we need to do in order to transform the building into an operable museum. Alongside assuring that the building is generally sound, we need strict climate control to ensure the safety of our artifacts, and the addition of features to meet accessibility standards. We wish to ask our engineering firm to price out those items.

Should further destructive testing allow us to narrow down a cost estimate, the museum is willing to perform further destructive testing.

The design of the building’s future layout is of some concern. We may wish to work with Rimkus to define what is feasible in terms of remodelling. However, with current monetary restrictions, the museum may be limited in what it is able to pursue.

We will have updates once a final draft of the Building Condition Assessment Report has been issued.

Current Finances

  • Total cost for the condition assessment: $49,675
  • Total cost for DSS: $8,600
  • Current relocation fund: $134,779.84


We’ve received some recent inquiries, so we thought we might clear up some things!

Why don’t we move in right away?

We can’t move into the building at 75 Talbot St. E. until renovations are complete. Our primary purpose is the preservation of the collection of artifacts belonging to the Town of Aylmer and the Township of Malahide, which contains upwards of 50,000 items. The current condition of the building at 75 Talbot St. E. poses a risk to those artifacts. Moisture is a problem throughout the building, with efflorescence, mould, and mildew throughout all three levels. Insects which eat artifacts, including silverfish, isopods, and moths are present, alongside insects which could potentially nest inside of artifacts, such as house centipedes. These issues will be addressed in our planned renovations. However, the renovations themselves will also pose a risk to artifacts. We cannot move our collection into a building in which it would be subjected to open air, particulate substances generated during construction, and generally to the circumstances within an active construction zone. Renovations must be completed for the museum to move into the new building.

There is also the question of staff, volunteer, and public health. Exposure to mould and mildew poses a risk to those with respiratory concerns. Exposure to the bats living within our building poses the risk of rabies infection.

As a business serving the public, we are also required to meet certain accessibility standards, such as accessible entryways and accessible washrooms. There currently are no accessible entryways or bathrooms in the building.

Why don’t we sell the building at 14 East St. to fund the renovations?

If we sell the building at 14 East St. before completing renovations, we would have nowhere to go. We cannot move into the new building before renovations are complete, to protect our collection of artifacts and ensure the health and safety of staff, volunteers, and the public.

When do we expect to move?

Operating two locations has put immense financial strain on our general operating funds, and immense logistical strain on our employees. We would like to move as soon as possible. However, our move is contingent on completing renovations first. We are working with our engineering firm to narrow down exactly what renovations need to take place, and how much those renovations will cost. With a cost estimate in mind, we will have a fundraising goal. We must then complete our fundraising goal in order to renovate, complete renovations, and move in.

We purchased the building in June of 2022, with the goal of completing our fundraising within one year, and renovating within another year (to complete the project in 2024 or 2025). However, the project is realistically much more complex. We expect to fundraise and complete renovations within the next five years (by 2029 or 2030).


Learn more about the Relocation Project here!

Congratulations to Our 50/50 Winner!

August 26, 2024

We drew the winner of our most recent 50/50 raffle on August 1st! Congratulations to Janice VandenWyngaert for winning half of the $730 pot. Special thanks to Janice and to everyone who purchased tickets! We were able to put $365 towards our Relocation Project.

Our next 50/50 raffle through Rafflebox is scheduled to begin on September 1st, and will end on November 30th, to be drawn on December 1st. Check back with us later this month for more details!

Link to our RaffleBox raffle

Relocation Project Update

July 2, 2024

After a long period of fundraising and research, we’re pleased to announce that Phase One of our Relocation Project is underway! Our structural, mechanical, and architectural inspection of the new building took place on Wednesday, June 26th, alongside a designated substances survey (to find things like asbestos and silica).

Once our engineering firm issues us a report on their findings, it’s on to the initial design phase. The staff, board, and building committee will discuss one final, no-frills design that the architects at our firm will work with. We will be tackling the most important issues first, like ensuring the building is artifact-safe and accessible

Our engineering firm for the first phase quoted us a total of $58,275 for these services, which we’ve been paying monthly in small increments. As of mid-June 2024, the Relocation Fund contains $161,299.70.

Thank you all so much for your support along the way! We’re so excited to finally be moving forward with this project. We’ll issue another update as soon as we can!

Congratulations to Our Second 50/50 Winner!

January 17, 2024

We drew the winner of our most recent 50/50 raffle on December 27th! Congratulations to Kathy and John Fuller for winning half of the $1,140 pot. Special thanks to Kathy and John and to everyone who purchased tickets! We were able to put $570 towards our Relocation Project.

Our next 50/50 raffle through Rafflebox is scheduled to begin on February 1st, and will end on March 31st, to be drawn on April 1st. Check back with us later this month for more details!

Link to our RaffleBox raffle

Three people and a presentation cheque

Museum Director Rebecca Horeth, 50/50 winner Kathy Fuller, and Museum Chair Ron Sawyer

Thank You for Attending Mayhem at the Museum!

August 23, 2023

A huge thank you to everyone who attended our recent murder mystery, Mayhem at the Museum! We hope you had as much fun as we did!

Through this event, we were able to raise $910 for our Relocation Project. With your help, our new location will be a vibrant community hub that celebrates our local history.

Special thanks to everyone who made the event possible!

  • Writer, director, and actor Ron Sawyer
  • Actors Rebecca Horeth, Larry Jeffery, Colleen Sawyer, Dan Reid, Laurie Reid, and Kathi Vandermeer
  • Caterers Helen Voros and Marg Reynaert
  • The Royal Canadian Legion Colonel Talbot Branch 81
  • Museum volunteers Deb Waite, Chris Dancey, Jeanette Pesall, Betty Segui, and Rosemary Kennedy
  • Everyone who attended!

We’re so pleased that our first try at this event went so well! We hope to be able to host another murder mystery dinner theatre event next year. Stay tuned!


Actors of Mayhem at the Museum
Left to right: Rebecca Horeth as Lindsay Doyle, Ron Sawyer as Ted Sturgeon, Larry Jeffery as Bill Broadsheet, Colleen Sawyer as Charmain Bungalow, Dan Reid as Gregori Popov, Laurie Reid as Anne Teak, and Kathi Vandermeer as Ada Yeserno

Attendees and the action on stageTheatre-goers and the action onstage

Old and Classic Car Show

August 16, 2023

We’re pleased to announce that we will be hosting a car show on Saturday, September 9ᵗʰ, from 9 AM to 3 PM, at Saxonia Hall.

Come on out to see some cool cars, enjoy some great food, and enter to win a 50/50 raffle!

Proceeds from car registration and raffle sales will benefit our Relocation Project.

Car aficionados are welcome to bring a car and register as an exhibitor!

We’d love to see your oldest cars!

All registered exhibitors will be entered into a draw to win a driver draw prize. Driver draw prizes will be provided by local businesses, to be determined.

Prizes will be awarded to the best cars, as decided by registrants.

Registration will be open from 8 to 9 am. Price for registration remains to be determined.

Email info@aylmermuseum.ca to pre-register. Pre-registry does not require pre-payment.

We hope to see you there!

Frankie and the Fairlanes: Lucky 13

The Aylmer-Malahide Museum & Archives is pleased to be partnering with Frankie and the Fairlanes for Aylmer’s showing of Lucky 13, the band’s latest concert. Join us at 7:30 PM on Saturday, October 21ˢᵗ at the Old Town Hall Theatre for a night you won’t forget! Frankie and the Fairlanes are kindly donating a portion of the proceeds to our Relocation Fund.

It’s Frankie and the Fairlanes 13th season of Quality Rock n Roll so hang on tight kidz as the band blasts thru some cool blasts from the past. Rockabilly hits by Elvis, Wayne Cochran and Gene Vincent, Surfin’ tunes by all the West Coast greats and the music from the golden era of Las Vegas are just the tip of the Rock n Roll iceberg! And as always, the energy, the humour and all the crazy fun that has made Frankie and the Fairlanes a crowd pleasin’ favourite for nearly 20 years!

Tickets are $20 for adults and $10 for children aged 6 to 12. Children under 5 get in for free! Tickets will be available for sale through this website, at the Aylmer-Malahide Museum (14 East St., Aylmer), and at the Aylmer IDA (6 Talbot St. W., Aylmer). Tickets purchased through this website will be held at the door for their respective attendees. Please leave us your name at checkout and we’ll be sure your tickets are waiting for you on the night of the 21st!

Adults: $20
Kids 12 and under: $10
Kids 5 and under: Free!
Purchase online, at 14 East St., Aylmer, or at Aylmer IDA

$20.00Read more

Aylmer’s Old Town Hall Theatre
38 John St. S.,
Aylmer, ON
N5H 2C2

Date and Time
October 21ˢᵗ, 2023
7:30 PM
Doors open at 6:30 PM


A Big Thank You to the Family of Pat Johnston!

July 27, 2023

We’re incredibly grateful to have received a substantial $10,000 donation from the family of Pat Johnston towards our Relocation Project! We were able to meet with the family to celebrate the donation recently. Many thanks to Rob Perry for this wonderful photo!

Thanks to this generous contribution, we are taking significant strides towards realizing our relocation and renovation project. The funds will play a crucial role in creating a vibrant community hub that celebrates our local heritage.

Presentation of $10,000 to the Aylmer-Malahide Museum in memory of Pat Johnston

Left to right: Jenelle Krahn, Nora Krahn, Lindsay Williams, Hannah Krahn, Matthew Smale, D.J. Smale, Kim Smale, Roland Krahn, Museum Office Manager Kathi Vandermeer, and Museum Board Chair Ron Sawyer.

Pat Johnston was a dedicated supporter of the Aylmer-Malahide Museum & Archives for many years, and she is sorely missed. Patricia Muriel “Pat” (Ryan) Johnston was originally from Saskatchewan but moved to Aylmer in the early 1950s. Like many locals following WWII, she found employment at Aylmer’s RCAF base, as a payroll administrator. She married fellow RCAF employee, Ralph Johnston, in 1954. The two owned and operated Ralph Johnston Motors Ltd. for over 35 years. Pat passed away on October 21, 2021, at the age of 93. Her obituary describes her as “a very independent woman who adored her family, valued and appreciated her friends and cherished her house and little black car.” Readers can view her obituary here.

As we remember and honour Pat’s life, we are truly grateful for the opportunity to commemorate her legacy through this generous gift, and we will ensure that her memory lives on in the new space we create for generations to come.

Mayhem at the Museum

June 29, 2023

A night of fine food and even finer entertainment! Join the Aylmer-Malahide Museum for a trivia night, but keep an eye out for a sinister someone lurking in the crowd. Can you find the culprit after the night takes a tragic turn of events?

We’re so excited to present our first murder mystery dinner theatre event! Join us on August 19, 2023, at 6:30 PM at the Aylmer Legion for a night of interactive theatre and a three-course meal. All proceeds will go to our Relocation Fund.

Tickets are $30 each and are for sale only in advance. Please stop by the museum at 14 East St. or visit our gift shop to purchase yours today! Tickets purchased through this website will be held at the door for their respective attendees. Please leave us your name at checkout and we’ll be sure your tickets are waiting for you on the night of the 19th!

August 19, 2023
6:30 PM

Royal Canadian Legion
Colonel Talbot Branch 81
211 John Street North
Aylmer, ON

$30 each
For sale in advance only.
Purchase online or at 14 East St., Aylmer

$40.00Read more


Many thanks to Hills Pharmacy!

May 30, 2023

We are thrilled to express our deepest gratitude to  Hills Pharmacy for their contribution of $10,000 to our Relocation Project! We met with pharmacists and owners Julie LeClair and Chris Sawler recently, along with Julie’s daughter, Ellory, to commemorate the donation. Thanks to Rob Perry for this wonderful photo!

With Hills Pharmacy’s generous contribution, we are one step closer to making our relocation and renovation project a reality. The funds will be instrumental in creating enhanced exhibition spaces, improving storage facilities for our growing collection, and developing a vibrant community hub where history enthusiasts can gather, learn, and engage with the rich heritage of Aylmer and Malahide.


Left to right: Pharmacist Julie LeClair, Ellory LeClair, Pharmacist Chris Sawler, Museum Office Manager Kathi Vandermeer, Museum Director Rebecca Horeth, Museum Chair Ron Sawyer, Museum Curator Amanda VandenWyngaert

About Hills Pharmacy

We are so grateful to be able to partner with such a long-standing pillar of our community! The building that houses Hills has been a pharmacy since 1869, when it opened under pharmacist Lewis Gundry in a business partnership with his brother, Charles Gundry. The brothers sold the business to J.E. Richards around 1886, who in turn sold it to Ray Lemon in 1907. Stan Durkee (of Durkee’s Ltd.) purchased the business in 1946, and hired a pharmacist to handle the drug department.

Godfrey Hill
Godfrey Hill’s graduation photograph, 1943

John Hill
John Hill’s graduation photograph, 1943

John and Godfrey Hill grew up in Tillsonburg, where they interacted with a pair of pharmacist brothers and were inspired to go into pharmacy, themselves. Both graduated from the Ontario College of Pharmacy in 1943, and shortly enrolled for service in WWII. Upon returning from service, the pair decided to tour Highway 3 to find a place to settle down and establish a business. Godfrey Hill recalled knocking on doors, asking around about pharmacies for sale. Stan Durkee sold his pharmacy to the Hill brothers on August 12, 1946, only a few months after purchasing it, himself.

Listen to our 1986 interview with Godfrey Hill above. We apologize for the audio quality!

Godfrey’s son, Tom, joined the business as a pharmacist and co-owner after John Hill’s retirement in 1981. Godfrey’s daughter, Tracey, and John’s son, Rowland, were also integral to the operation of the pharmacy. Tom Hill’s daughter, Julie, purchased the business alongside fellow pharmacist Chris Sawler in 2020.

Learn more about the Hill family and Hills Pharmacy in our recent publication, Just What the Doctor Ordered!

Thank you!

We are beyond lucky to have such incredible businesses and individuals in our community who believe in our mission. We extend our deepest gratitude to Hills Pharmacy for their exceptional generosity and support.

Stay tuned for more updates and exciting developments on our Relocation Project. We couldn’t do it without your support, and we can’t wait to embark on this new chapter together.


Façade Facelift!

April 25, 2023

We’ve given our façade a minor facelift! Many thanks to Jackpot Time Gaming Entertainment for giving us the funds for our brand-new Cricut machine. We were able to use it to cut the vinyl for our awnings!

A special thank you to our supporter Jackpot Time Gaming Entertainment. Throughout the year, we are very grateful to receive funds from our participation in bingos at Jackpot Time in St. Thomas. Through this program, the museum receives funds monthly that we can use towards the preservation and maintenance of our collection. We are also able to fund a portion of Sarah Bentley’s salary to work on the collection. We are very grateful to be one of the charities that receive funds through the charitable gaming program, and very thankful for the volunteers that assist us with bingos each month. Learn more about Jackpot Time here.

Additional thanks to the Aylmer Express for printing a graphic for our front door, as well!


Collections Manager Sarah Bentley paints the awnings




Presenting Witness: an extensive exhibition from the collection of local photographer David Ritchie. On display will be images of people, places, signs, landscapes, sports, buildings and more.

The Witness exhibit is a benefit to raise funds for necessary renovations needed at 75 Talbot St. E., the future home of the Aylmer-Malahide Museum and Archives. Mounted prints with signed mats will be available for purchase at $40 each, ready to fit a standard-size 11×14 inch picture frame. Each print sold will contribute $30 to the Museum renovation funds.

A select number of rare framed vintage b&w darkroom prints will also be available. The only remaining poster of Heritage Aylmer, a Ritchie poster printed in 2003 will also be offered. 25% from sales of these rare prints will be contributed to the Museum renovation funds.

Witness will be exhibited at 75 Talbot St. E. in Aylmer. The opening will be held on April 22ⁿᵈ, from 7 to 10 pm, and the gallery will be open on April 23ʳᵈ, 29ᵗʰ, and 30ᵗʰ from 12 to 6 pm. We will happily arrange private viewings, and interested parties can email info@aylmermuseum.ca or photog@amtelecom.net, or call (519) 773-9723 for more information.

Many thanks to the Aylmer Area Community Foundation for their generous support of this event.

About the Artist

David Ritchie came to Elgin county in 1976, first living east of Mapleton. He has resided in the Aylmer area since that time. As a self-employed photographer, he concentrated on industrial and commercial work. In the late 80s, he purchased Maxwell’s Camera in Aylmer and operated there until 2001. The store offered custom framing, photo processing, supplies and equipment. For several years there was also a portrait studio, however formal portraiture held little interest for Ritchie and the studio was replaced with a colour film processing and printing lab to compliment the black & white darkroom.

He resisted the change to digital photography until 2008, continuing with his love for black & white, hand printing fine-art archival enlargements. Presently, Ritchie is semi-retired and continues to do some custom framing, photo restorations and sales of his photographs.


On Track: The Railways of Aylmer and Malahide

February 1, 2023

The Great Western Railway’s “Air Line” began operation in February of 1873. To celebrate 150 years of railroad heritage, we’ll be hosting a pop-up exhibit on local locomotive history and the area’s competing railways.

Join us at 75 Talbot St. E., from:

  • 11 am – 4 pm on Saturday, February 18

  • 11 am – 4 pm on Sunday, February 19

  • 11 am – 4 pm on Monday, February 20

  • 3 pm – 6 pm on Wednesday, February 22

  • 11 am – 4 pm on Saturday, February 25

  • 11 am – 4 pm Sunday, February 26

We hope to see you there!

Train at the Aylmer Grand Trunk station

A large group of people at the Springfield Canada Southern Railway station


Thank you for attending the art show!

December 1, 2022

We were so happy to see so many talented artists and to have so many visitors! Thank you so much to the Aylmer BIA, Wendell Graves, the Chamber of Commerce, and Miller’s Your Independent Grocer for organizing and contributing to the event.

We’re pleased to announce that we received $635 in donations at the event, and sold plenty of tickets for our gift basket draw!

View the featured artwork at the following locations through the month of December:


We would love to see you at our next event, Christmas Through the Ages! Tickets for our gift basket raffle will be available.

Reads "THE AYLMER-MALAHIDE MUSEUM & ARCHIVES PRESENTS CHRISTMAS THROUGH THE AGES Opening November 26, 2022 11 am to 4 pm 75 Talbot St. E. Aylmer Open 1-6 pm on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays until December 10

Gift Basket Draw

A returning tradition from our Tour of Homes, we’ll be giving away 13 gift baskets this year as a fundraiser for our Relocation Project.

We’re selling six tickets for $5.  Tickets will be available in person at our pop-up exhibit, Christmas Through the Ages, exhibited at 75 Talbot St. E., as well as online in our website’s shop.

We will be drawing on December 10th.

Gift basket themes include (hover over or tap on each theme for a list of contents):

  1. Tea
  2. Movie Night
  3. Scratch Tickets
  4. Books
  5. Play Day
  6. Birds
  7. Beer, Wine, and Hockey
  8. Honey
  9. Puzzles
  10. Coffee
  11. Wine
  12. Vintage Recipes
  13. Locally Handcrafted Bowl

Buy your tickets here!


Christmas Through the Ages

October 26, 2022

Join us for Christmas Through the Ages, a pop-up exhibit looking at Christmas traditions and popular decorating styles through the years.

We will be holding the exhibit opening on November 26ᵗʰ between 11 am and 4 pm, during which visitors can enjoy complimentary refreshments and enter to win a door prize. The exhibit will be open from 1-6 pm on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays over the following two weeks, including:

  • November 29

  • December 1

  • December 3

  • December 6

  • December 8

  • December 10

Exhibited at our new building located at 75 Talbot Street East.

Donations to the AMMA Relocation Project and non-perishables for the Aylmer Corner Cupboard Food Bank are gratefully accepted.

We hope to see you there!

Postcard depicting Santa Claus in profile amid decorative garlands.

Black and white image of a young girl looking up at a mobile.


Original Exhibition of Artworks

October 21, 2022

Stop by our new location at 75 Talbot St. E. between 6:30 and 8:30 to attend an exhibition of local artworks, as organized by the Aylmer BIA in partnership with Wendell Graves.

The BIA will be exhibiting works in a variety of media, including but not limited to paintings, photography, and sculpture. After the exhibit, the artworks will be displayed in a variety of downtown businesses.

Donations to our Relocation Project will be gratefully accepted.

We’re excited to see everyone there!


Thank you for coming out to the car show!

October 3, 2022

We were pleasantly surprised to have over 90 cars turn out to our car show this past weekend! Thank you all so much for coming. We very much appreciate your time, support, and cool vehicles.  We’re pleased to report that we raised $1677 for our Relocation Project!

A major thank you to:

Our judges

  • Brian Duffett
  • Dominique Giguère
  • Ron Sawyer
  • Tom Charlton

Our driver draw donors

  • Auto Parts Centres
  • Aylmer Glass & Mirror
  • Aylmer Tire
  • Bestway Auto Supply
  • Canadian Tire
  • Duff’s Garage
  • Goodwill’s Used Cars
  • Mike Laur’s Auto
  • North End Auto
  • Wiebe’s Wheels Inc.

Our performers

  • 1962
  • The Springfield Connection

Additional thanks to M&D’s Taco Truck for catering the event and The German-Canadian Club for partnering with us for Elgin’s Oktoberfest! Thank you to our volunteers, and thank you to everyone who attended and brought a vehicle!

We hope to see you again! We have a Christmas-themed pop-up exhibit in the months of November and December, and would love to have you along.


Reads "THE AYLMER-MALAHIDE MUSEUM & ARCHIVES PRESENTS CHRISTMAS THROUGH THE AGES Opening November 26, 2022 11 am to 4 pm 75 Talbot St. E. Aylmer Open 1-6 pm on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays until December 10


Thank you for attending our open house!

September 22, 2022

Thank you so much to everyone who came out to see our new building at our open house on Sept. 15th! We were so touched to hear how many of you are excited to see us thrive in our new location.

We’re happy to report that we received $2400 towards the Relocation Project on that day, and made $375 from raffle ticket sales (benefitting the Relocation Project). Thank you all so much!

We would be pleased to have you attend our further upcoming fundraising events! We have a car show planned on October 1ˢᵗ and a Christmas-themed pop-up exhibit planned for the months of November and December.

Thank you so much for your support, and we would love to see you again soon.

Graphic reads "Saturday, October 1 CAR SHOW" and "SAXONIA HALL PRESENTS ELGIN'S Oktoberfest" above an image of the 1915 Ford picnic in Port Bruce, including a row of Model T vehicles.
Reads "THE AYLMER-MALAHIDE MUSEUM & ARCHIVES PRESENTS CHRISTMAS THROUGH THE AGES Opening November 26, 2022 11 am to 4 pm 75 Talbot St. E. Aylmer Open 1-6 pm on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays until December 10

Elgin’s Oktoberfest Car Show

September 5, 2022

We’re pleased to announce that, in partnership with Aylmer’s German Canadian Club for Elgin’s Oktoberfest, we will be hosting a car show on Saturday, October 1ˢᵗ, from 9 AM to 3 PM, at Saxonia Hall.

Come on out to see some cool cars, enjoy some beer at the beer tent, and see some live entertainment! The Saxonia Hall will serve beer and soft pretzels, and we’ll fire up the grill to serve lunch.

General admission will be by donation. Proceeds from admission, barbecue sales, and car registration will benefit our Relocation Project.

The car show will be followed by the main Oktoberfest event, with live performances by Walter Ostanek, a performance from the Saxonia Dancers, and the East Elgin Agricultural Society’s pig roast.

Car aficionados are welcome to bring a car and register as an exhibitor! All registered exhibitors will be entered into a draw to win a door prize. Door prizes will be provided by:

Aylmer Glass and Mirror
North End Auto
Goodwills used cars

Mike Laur's Auto

Plaques will be awarded to four cars by a panel of judges, including three “Judge’s Choice” awards and one “Best in Show” award.

Registration will be open from 8 to 9 AM, at $10 per car.

Those who pre-register will be entered to win a $50 Canadian Tire gift card! Pre-registration does not require pre-payment. Email info@aylmermuseum.ca to pre-register.

We hope to see you there!

Posted by German Canadian Club – Saxonia Hall on Wednesday, September 7, 2022


Open House

The public is cordially invited to visit our new building at 75 Talbot St. E. on Thursday, September 15th, between 5 pm and 8 pm.

We will be giving tours of the building, discussing our plans for the future, and fielding questions from the public.

Attendees are welcome to enter to win a variety of great door prizes! Prizes will be provided by:

McFarlan Rowlands Insurance Brokers, Inc.
Aylmer McDonald's
Tracey's Avon Connection
Elgin Feeds

We will also be selling raffle tickets at the open house for our upcoming “History on the Move” raffle.

Refreshments will be served. Street and municipal parking will be available.

We’re excited to share our vision with you, and we hope to see you there!



The “History on the Move” Raffle

August 17, 2022

Many thanks to everyone who purchased a ticket! Winners are:

  •  1st prize, Master Chef 5-Burner Propane BBQ, courtesy of Canadian Tire: Ticket No. 0707
  •  2nd prize, Weber Portable BBQ Grill, courtesy of C.J. Telfer Holdings: Ticket No. 0219
  •  3rd prize, $250 Johnson Meats Package, courtesy of Johnson Meats: Ticket No. 0597
  •  4th prize, Summer Gift Basket, courtesy of Miller’s Your Independent Grocer: Ticket No. 0926

Congratulations to our winners! We will be in contact shortly.

In total, we raised $2195 towards our Relocation Project through this fundraiser. Thank you all so much!

The Museum will be raffling off four great prizes in a raffle to fund the renovations to our new building!

Prizes include:

    • 1ˢᵗ: Master Chef 5-Burner Propane BBQ (value $430), courtesy of Aylmer Canadian Tire
    • 2ⁿᵈ: Weber Portable BBQ Grill (value $400), courtesy of C.J. Telfer Holdings
    • 3ʳᵈ: Johnson Meats Package (value $250), courtesy of Johnson Meats
    • 4ᵗʰ:  Summer Gift Basket (value $100), courtesy of Miller’s Your Independent Grocer

Tickets are $5 each, 3 for $10, and 8 for $20. Stop by or contact us to purchase your tickets!

The draw date is October 5, 2022.

Lottery License No. 598457

We Have the Keys!

June 27, 2022

The paperwork is all signed, and our lawyers have presented us with the keys! We’re so excited to plan a concept for our new building and its exhibits.

We look forward to your support moving forward!

Learn more here.

An image of the empty foyer of our new building
The future site of our foyer and temporary gallery space!


April 27, 2022

We’re excited to announce that we’ve purchased the former Hamilton Ward & Cathers building at 75 Talbot St. E.

The move should take roughly two years, once renovations are complete and once all our artifacts are safely packed and ready to migrate.


Learn more here!


Many thanks to the Express for breaking the news today! Read the article in today’s issue for the full story.

Many thanks to longtime sponsor Jeff Wiebenga for facilitating the sale of the building, and to the folks at McFarlan Rowlands/Hamilton Ward & Cathers for their kindness and generosity through the sale process.

Our press release reads as follows:

April 26, 2022

The Aylmer-Malahide Museum & Archives is moving to a new, downtown location

The museum has purchased a new building, located at 75 Talbot Street East in Aylmer

The board of the Aylmer-Malahide Museum & Archives is thrilled to announce that they have purchased a new building to house the museum and its collection. The building is located at 75 Talbot Street East in Aylmer, the current home of McFarlan Rowlands Insurance (formerly Hamilton Ward & Cathers Insurance) and previously the Royal Bank of Canada. We are so pleased to have the opportunity to house our museum and its ever-growing collection in such a beautiful and historically significant building.

Aylmer and Malahide have a lively and engaging history. From its founding as a museum in 1977, the AMMA has been a repository for the citizens of these communities to entrust their artifacts, photographs, and stories. These have been diligently catalogued, preserved, exhibited, and made available to the community, researchers, genealogists, and historians. Over the past 45 years, the museum has far exceeded its capacity and has been limited by its present location in how it shares the stories that it holds in trust.

This project would not have been possible without the many significant financial contributions from our generous donors and supporters who have contributed to our relocation efforts including Giles Hume, Donna Bushell, Marie Briggs, and Glen Kilmer. We are very grateful for the support of the town of Aylmer and look forward to engaging with other stakeholders including the Township of Malahide and Elgin County for their assistance and support with this project.

“We are very excited to be able to announce that after years of searching and hoping, our dream of moving to a larger facility is finally within reach,” said Dan Reid, board member of the Aylmer-Malahide Museum and Archives. “Not only will this allow us greater room for exhibits and for storage, but its central location in the heart of Aylmer will also give us any number of new opportunities to engage directly with the community.

In this new location, we hope to find new ways to partner with and give back to the many people of our community who have been unswerving in their assistance. We are eager to play host to the young, curious minds, and to nurture a love of history in students of all backgrounds. It is from the lessons of the past that paths forward present themselves. We wish to honour the sacrifices and contributions made to this area by the many citizens of past and present.”

“I couldn’t be happier to announce that we have finally found a new building for the Aylmer-Malahide Museum & Archives,” said Amanda VandenWyngaert, the curator of the museum. “We’re so grateful for all of the hard work that many board members, volunteers, and community members have dedicated to this relocation project over their exhaustive, decades-long search for a new building. We are confident that the downtown location, as well as the historic nature of the building, will provide the perfect home for the museum. We cannot wait for all of the exhibit, programming, and event opportunities that this new building will allow us.”

The historic building at 75 Talbot Street East needs to be renovated in order to fully prepare the building for its future uses. We invite everyone to learn more and to consider contributing to our upcoming capital campaign to help us create a thriving community museum.

For more information, please contact:
Kathi Vandermeer, Office Manager, Aylmer-Malahide Museum & Archives
(519) 773-9723
Amanda VandenWyngaert, Curator, Aylmer-Malahide Museum & Archives
(519) 773-9723

Aylmer-Malahide Museum & Archives
The Aylmer-Malahide Museum & Archives was established in 1977 to serve as a community museum. The AMMA continues to preserve, present, and promote the history of Aylmer and Malahide through various displays and programming. The museum houses a local archive as well as over 40,000 artifacts relating to the history of local businesses, industries, families, and communities. The museum offers at least three exhibits a year, as well as school programs, senior programs, community programming, special events, and tours.

Photograph of The Traders Bank of Canada, circa 1909. The building, at the time, housed Dr. Woods, a dentist, in its upper level. The windows of the upper level read "DENTIST WOODS DENTIST". The façade of the building features four inset Ionic columns. The current façade, in comparison features four Doric columns, as the volutes of the columns' capitals are missing.

Photograph of the Aylmer Branch of the Traders Bank of Canada, located at 75 Talbot Street East, taken ca. 1909. We are grateful to have the opportunity to house our museum and its ever-growing collection in such a beautiful and historically significant building.